
Coney Island: When Life’s A Roller Coaster

Isn’t it funny how as an adult I’ve found my self traveling to Coney Island more than ever. I’ve probably only visited Coney Island twice as a child. I never could understand the hype or excitement in amusement parks. Yes, I’m deathly afraid of roller coasters and extreme heights. But I’m slowly overcoming my fears by conquering one ride at a time just like life.

Coney Island

As I get older, I find myself looking to escape to places like Coney Island (not for the rides), but for the serenity. How do I find serenity at an amusement park? Well, there is something calming about being in a park full of people having fun, enjoying life, and not caring about what’s going on in their life at the moment. And the hotdogs from Nathans always hit the spot. It just fills me with positive energy. 

Coney Island

Energy is everything and energy transfers. If you’re constantly in a hustle and bustle environment such as NYC from your commute to your occupation, it’s important to surround yourself with positive energy and let yourself breathe every once in a while.

I specifically like to clear my mind while walking the boardwalk at Coney Island. The sound of the ocean mixed with the excitement of the park always puts me in a happy place. It’s a great place to ponder relationships, friendships, and gain overall clarity. Did I mention the boardwalk is open year-round?

Coney Island

Self-care is extremely important. And I advise you to do what works for you. Even if that means going to an amusement park in the dead of winter every once in a while to get some real clarity on your life. Do it.

Where’s your favorite place to clear your mind?

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